The Cliffs of Moher: Stunning!
It wasn't until after breakfast this morning that we decided on visiting The Cliffs of Moher, situated in county Clare -which is about 58 kilometers away from Galway City. Our B & B host gave us the suggestion on doing the tour, and so we did! It was not an easy affair when I had to decide between exploring the city center or taking a trip to the famous Cliffs of Moher. But I thought.. the city will still be there when I'm back, won't it?
Our host then called up the agency, which happens to have a daily tour to the cliffs departing 10.15 am from the city. We got picked up in front of St. Judes, and paid 20 Euros/person on board.
Saw woolies during the drive to and from Cliffs of Moher! |
*By the way, I am writing this while munching on a chocolate croissant from Spar -it's a premium food mart, my first encounter with this chain was in South Africa. Didn't expect to find them in Ireland. The croissant is yummy!!* :D
Cliffs of Moher |
Oh, anyway.. the Cliffs of Moher tour lasted all day; we arrived back in Galway City at 5.30 this evening. If you're the type who enjoys looking at panoramic scenery and had only one full day to spend in Galway City, this tour is for you, Mate! As for us, at the end of the day I am so damn glad that we did the tour!
The view Cliffs of Moher alone was stunning! All pictures taken today don't do the blimmin' thing justice. What's also fascinating about the whole area is the prevalence of massive stone structures that resemble hills. These stones were naturally formed and you can see them along the road that takes you to the Cliffs of Moher.
College Rd, the street where our lodge is, is full of B & B's of a wide variety (pricing-wise). You can get a room as low as 20 Euros at some of the B & B's. I think what makes these B & B's even more attractive is that they're located within a walking distance from the train station -about a 10 to 15 minute walk. In addition to B & B's, I also saw a couple of hostels in the proximity. One is called Snoozles on Forster St, where you can get a bed as low as 9.99 Euros/night. Another one is Barnacles Hostel on Quay St -priced at 12 Euros/bed/night.
Bottom line is.. Ireland makes a nice destination for the young who are budget travelers as well! Visit Ireland!
Bottom line is.. Ireland makes a nice destination for the young who are budget travelers as well! Visit Ireland!
Later I remembered that Westlife lads sing on one of the Cliffs of Moher at the end of their My Love video clip! Amazing!! :)