Refreshments of Life (Late Entry)

Sissy & Nephew Azzam, Semarang
It is so hard to force yourself to write when you don't feel like it. Today was an exceptionally beautiful day. Sunny with a temperature of mid to high 60's.  But I don't feel quite that beautiful. I mean, I should have felt somewhat gorgeous or beautiful like the weather. If not so, then perhaps feel rather refreshed or motivated to do things,..right? Truth is.. I actually feel more like bored and numb these days -__-
Cuz Salsa, Dhina, Me in Surabaya

Veetha & Me, Jakarta
I wish I could hang with my friends back in Indonesia! Well, so here I am turning my loneliness to an inspiration to reminisce me and my friends' togetherness LOL. Alright, Mate, so this post is dedicated to those I hung out with during my Indonesia Visit in 2013! As for me, friends are "Refreshments of Life". as suggested in the title of this post :)

If your pic isn't here and we met during that trip please request me to post one. I decided to not post some friends' pics due to privacy reason.

Just so you know, you whom I got together with (incl. those not captured here) are all so precious to me and I'm looking forward to seeing you again this May!
Kiki and her birthday meal, Purwokerto

Dee & Me, right in front of our almamater!

Popy and her boy Ava, Surabaya


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